5 Reasons Why Fall is My Favourite Season

You know, I used to be all about summer. Those long, sun-soaked days, beach trips, and endless adventures had me convinced that there was no better season. But something interesting happened in the last 7 to 10 years – Fall, or as I fondly call it, Autumn, weaseled its way into my heart. Maybe it's age catching up with me or the wisdom that's supposed to accompany the impending big 5-0, which is just around the corner in February. But these days, I've got a deep-seated love for the autumnal months that summer can't quite compete with.

I'm no longer the same person who worshipped the summer sun; I now yearn for a different kind of warmth in my life. Autumn delivers it in spades, with its crisp air and the promise of snug sweaters and lovely Coffees. The world seems to slow down, and there's an undeniable comfort in wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket, sipping a warm drink, and getting lost in a good book.

This transformation from a summer-loving enthusiast to an autumn aficionado is not just a personal shift; it's a family affair. You see, I'm a dad to four energetic youngsters, and there's something enchanting about how Fall brings us closer together. Whether it's the excitement of Halloween preparations, our collective pumpkin-picking adventures, or simply watching the leaves turn into a vibrant palette, Autumn forges a connection among us. It's as if the season itself is saying, "Slow down, enjoy this moment and make memories”

Reason 1: The Spectacular Palette of Colors

First on my list, and perhaps the most obvious, is the jaw-dropping burst of colors that Autumn unleashes. I happen to live in a charming market town in the countryside, and let me tell you, it's gorgeous all year round. But when Fall arrives, the whole place undergoes a transformation, and it's nothing short of breathtaking.

Picture this: the countryside, which is already pretty, adorned in a rich, warm tapestry of reds, oranges, and yellows. It's like nature herself has grabbed a paintbrush and turned the entire landscape into a masterpiece. Everywhere you look, there's an explosion of color, and it's impossible not to be captivated by it. So, if you're a nature enthusiast and an avid photographer like me, Autumn / Fall is like an open invitation to capture the world in all its colorful glory. It's a time when even a simple walk down the street can feel like a magical journey through a painting, and it's one of the many reasons why I love it!

Reason 2: The Coziness That Warms the Heart

Now, let's talk about something that's incredibly close to my heart: the irresistible coziness that Autumn brings. You see, I'm a huge fan of the Hygge philosophy, that Danish concept of embracing all things warm, comfortable, and inviting. And if there's one season that perfectly embodies the essence of Hygge, it's Autumn.

The moment the air turns crisper and that first leaf flutters to the ground, I'm ready to dive headfirst into the world of coziness. It's like a switch is flipped, and suddenly, everything becomes snug and comforting. From soft blankets to oversized sweaters, from the aroma of cinnamon-spiced candles to the crackling sound of a warm fireplace, Autumn is all about embracing the joy of being warm and snug.

But there's something even more magical about this season. It has an incredible ability to draw families closer. As a father of four children I've come to appreciate this aspect of Autumn even more. The changing leaves and the promise of cozy moments seem to work like a magnet, pulling us all together. It's a time for cuddling up on the couch with a good book, for baking treats in the kitchen as a family, and for sharing stories around the flickering glow of candles.

There's a unique charm in the way Autumn encourages us to slow down, appreciate the simple pleasures, and relish in each other's company. I find that as the days grow shorter and the world outside seems to cool, the warmth of togetherness inside becomes all the more precious.

In the end, it's not just about blankets and hot cocoa; it's about creating an atmosphere that fosters closeness, laughter, and cherished memories. So, for me, one of the most beautiful things about Autumn is its ability to wrap us in its cozy embrace and, in doing so, bring families closer together. Hygge books available at www.amazon.com

Reason 3: The Fashionable Art of Layering

Now, let's talk about a subject that's very close to my heart: fashion. Let me be honest, one thing about summer that used to irk me a bit was the fashion dilemma it posed. We'd be desperately trying to look cool in outfits that would, frankly, be considered a fashion crime in any other season. Maybe it's my French heritage talking, but I've always had a soft spot for the art of layering. And in this department, Autumn, my friends, reigns supreme.

As the temperatures drop, we can finally start getting creative with our clothing, bringing out those long-neglected scarves, boots, jackets, and cardigans. It's the season where you can really let your fashion flag fly high, and I'm here for it.

Layering becomes an art form in the Fall. It's all about mixing and matching textures, patterns, and colors to create outfits that not only keep you warm but also make a statement. The ability to effortlessly throw a cozy scarf over a stylish sweater or don a well-fitted jacket over your favorite blouse is pure fashion bliss. And let's not forget the ever-versatile boot collection that comes out to play.

The beauty of it all is that the fashion choices in Autumn are as varied as the colors of the leaves themselves. It's a season that encourages you to express your individual style while staying comfortably warm. So, if you're like me and appreciate the art of dressing well, Autumn is your playground. It's the season where fashion and function blend seamlessly, and every layer becomes a canvas for showcasing your unique style. In this world of layered creativity, Autumn truly shines. Find amazing Boots at www.manlytshirt.com

Reason 4: The Spooktacular Delight of Halloween

Now, let's talk about something that often stirs a bit of debate here in Europe – Halloween. You've probably heard the age-old argument: "Halloween is just an American invention; I don't see the point." Well, I'm here to tell you that I absolutely adore Halloween It's a celebration that brings a whole lot of fun and spookiness to Autumn, and I'm all in.

Halloween, for me, represents a day when kids and families can venture out into the dark and celebrate together. Whether it's my personal attachment to the idea or my dream of someday living in the USA, I can't help but be a big fan of Halloween. It's a day that's all about fun and festivity.

One of the things that make Halloween so special is the excitement that builds as the day approaches. From carving pumpkins into ghoulish works of art to decorating the house with pumpkin-themed decor, everything seems to take on a delightful orange hue with a touch of spookiness. It's a time when the world becomes a canvas for all things ghostly, and I absolutely love it.

But the true magic of Halloween, for me, lies in the joy it brings to my children's faces. Watching them get ready for Halloween is a heartwarming experience. The process of selecting costumes, discussing spooky tales, and preparing for a night of trick-or-treating is a bonding experience like no other. It's a time when we all come together as a family, getting into the spirit of the season and creating cherished memories.

So, in the midst of the pumpkin carvings, the eerie decorations, and the laughter of my little ones, Halloween represents a moment of pure, unadulterated joy. Halloween, in all its orange, pumpkin-loving, and scary glory, is a truly delightful part of why Autumn has stolen my heart. Visit the Halloween store at www.amazon.com

Reason 5: The Seasonal Magic of Autumn Coffees at Starbucks

Alright, let's get a bit cozy here and talk about something that might seem a tad cheesy, but hey, it's all about celebrating the little things, right? I'm talking about the sheer joy of stepping into a Starbucks during Autumn and savoring a warm, spiced coffee. It's a tradition that my wife and I hold dear, and let me tell you, it's a tradition that never gets old.

For us, the arrival of Autumn signals the return of the beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte, and we eagerly await its comeback every year. Maybe it's a touch of our American dream, or perhaps it's just the unique Starbucks vibe, but there's something special about that experience. Sure, I know there are other coffee shops out there that might serve better coffee, but there's a distinct magic in Starbucks during this season that keeps drawing us back.

It's the cozy atmosphere, the warm hues that adorn the interiors, and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee that makes it all so inviting. Sitting down with a steaming cup of autumnal goodness, watching the world go by through the café window, is a simple pleasure that fills my heart with contentment.

And you know what truly warms my soul? Seeing my wife's eyes light up as she takes that first sip of her beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte. It's a small moment of pure happiness, and it reminds me that sometimes, it's the simple rituals and shared traditions that make life beautiful.

So, while I might be an enthusiast for all things fancy coffee, it's the humble Starbucks experience in Autumn that holds a special place in my heart. It's a reminder that sometimes, happiness is found in the familiar and the shared, and that's precisely why Autumn coffee at Starbucks is the fifth and final reason why this season has become my all-time favorite.


Autumn is a season of enchanting colors and cozy warmth, a time to snuggle up with loved ones, to embrace the charm of fashion in layers, and to delight in the festivities of Halloween. It's about savoring those timeless moments, like enjoying a warm coffee with a loved one at Starbucks.

In the end, Autumn serves as a beautiful reminder that life is a journey filled with ever-changing seasons, each with its unique beauty and offerings. It's a season that encourages us to slow down, appreciate the beauty around us, and make the most of our time with loved ones.

So, as the leaves fall and the air grows cooler, I invite you to embrace the magic of Autumn in your own way. It's a season that holds something special for everyone, a time to cherish and celebrate the simple pleasures that life has to offer. In the end, it's the sum of these moments that make our hearts feel truly full.
