Starting Over at 50: How I Transformed My Life by Leaving a Toxic Job

Hi there!

Life is full of surprises, isn't it? Here I am, Jerome, at 50, proving it's never too late to turn the page and start a brand new chapter.

Just 10 days ago, I made a huge decision—to leave my job because of a situation that just wasn't right for me anymore. You know, dealing with someone at work who made every day harder than it should be (a toxic bully). It was tough, but I've got to say, deciding to quit was the best decision I've ever made. I can already feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, and mentally, I'm in a much better place.

It's funny how when one door closes, another one opens. For me, that door led to something I've loved for years but never had the courage to dive into full time—my (this) blog. Writing about things I'm passionate about, like fashion and taking care of yourself, has always been a part of who I am. And now, I get to do it every day.

Starting this new journey at 50 might seem a bit crazy to some, but here's what I've learned: it's never too late. It's never too late to follow your dreams, to choose happiness, or to just go for it. I've lived in different places, from the sunny sides of France to the cozy corners of Bristol, and every move, every decision, has taught me something valuable. But one of the biggest lessons? That spending time with the ones you love, doing what makes you happy, is what life's all about.

For anyone out there wondering if they can make a big change, whether it's the right time to take a leap of faith, I'm here to tell you, yes, it is. Sure, it's scary. I was scared too. But imagine what could happen if you take that step. Imagine feeling better mentally, being happier, and doing something you love every single day.

This blog, this new chapter I'm starting, it's not just for me. It's for my family, for my kids, and for anyone who's ever felt stuck or unsure about their future. I want to share my journey, the ups and downs, and show that it's possible to start over, no matter where you are in life. And who knows? Maybe this will be the best chapter yet.

Thanks for reading, for being a part of this new beginning with me. Let's remind ourselves that everything is possible, no matter how old we are or what we're going through. Here's to new beginnings, to feeling better, and to living a life full of what makes us happy. Cheers to that, and cheers to what's coming next.

Stay dapper!
